Monday, February 23, 2015

Day 14 (Feb 23) Canadian Inventions Google Presentation Project

We are starting our first major project - Canadian Inventions.

Turnitin: You will need to create a Turnitin account to submit your work.  

Go to and create an account for yourself using your normal email address.

Enroll in this class - i.d. 9598219  

Password is   "  acton  "

You MUST create your presentation in Google Docs - log into the Halton Cloud using your regular network login and in your Google Drive - New - Presentation and then....

SHARE the presentation to, "Anyone with the link can view".

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Day 12 (Feb 19) Innovation cont'd, Space Race, Economics, Innovation Wrap Up!

1. History Minute - Oklahoma City Bombing

2.  Title Page: Science and Technology
3.  Introduction: Inventions on a deserted island
4.  Discussion question: What are, in your opinion, the 3 main reasons inventions are created?
5.  Video: 10 Canadian Inventions
     While watching the video, take notes on key inventions, inventors and dates.
     In your opinion, which one is most significant to your personal history?  To Canadian history?  To global history?  Why?
6.  The Economics of Invention
7.  YoutubeFunnyIntro       Cornell Note: Introduction
8.  1920's-30's: Video from 0:00 - 17:27
     Cornell Note
9.  Introduction to Chris Hadfield
     Article: Chris Hadfield and the Space Race
     Cornell Note

10.  To answer the questions that follow, please consider your note on these three items:
a) Economic Cycle - Growth, Boom, Recession, Depression
b) Canada during the Great Depression
c) Chris Hadfield and Canadian involvement in the Space Race and high technology.

Questions to Answer:
Part 1: Name 10 similarities (economic) discussed in the Depression video and the Chris Hadfield article.

Part 2:. Name and explain FIVE ways that the Great Depression led to new inventions.

Part 3: Name and explain FIVE ways that the Space Race has led to new inventions.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Day 6 & 7 (Feb 10, 11) Technology and Innovation in Canadian History cont'd

1.  History Minute of the Day -  The Times They Are A Changin', released 1964 Bob Dylan.

1b (HM for Day 7)  Costa Concordia Towed to salvage yard.

2.  Title Page: Science and Technology
3.  Introduction: Inventions on a deserted island
4.  Discussion question: What are, in your opinion, the 3 main reasons inventions are created?
5.  Video: 10 Canadian Inventions
     While watching the video, take notes on key inventions, inventors and dates.
     In your opinion, which one is most significant to your personal history?  To Canadian history?  To global history?  Why?
6.  The Economics of Invention
7.  YoutubeFunnyIntro       Cornell Note: Introduction
8.  1920's-30's: Video from 0:00 - 17:27
     Cornell Note
9.  Introduction to Chris Hadfield
     Article: Chris Hadfield and the Space Race
     Cornell Note
10.  What similarities are being discussed in both the video and article in terms of economics?  How has the space race AND the depression of the 1920's and 30's both led to new inventions?

Monday, February 9, 2015

Day 5 (Feb 9) Science and Technology in Canada's History cont'd

1.  History Minute of the Day -  Boeing 747 First Flight, 1969

2.  Title Page: Science and Technology
3.  Introduction: Inventions on a deserted island
4.  Discussion question: What are, in your opinion, the 3 main reasons inventions are created?
5.  Video: 10 Canadian Inventions
     While watching the video, take notes on key inventions, inventors and dates.
     In your opinion, which one is most significant to your personal history?  To Canadian history?  To global history?  Why?
6.  The Economics of Invention
7.  YoutubeFunnyIntro       Cornell Note: Introduction
8.  1920's-30's: Video from 0:00 - 17:27
     Cornell Note
9.  Introduction to Chris Hadfield
     Article: Chris Hadfield and the Space Race
     Cornell Note
10.  What similarities are being discussed in both the video and article in terms of economics?  How has the space race AND the depression of the 1920's and 30's both led to new inventions?

Friday, February 6, 2015

Day 4 (Feb 6) Unit 1 Science and Technology in Canada's History

1.  History Minute of the Day -  Queen Elizabeth II is Crowned in 1952.


2.  Title Page: Science and Technology
3.  Introduction: Inventions on a deserted island
4.  Discussion question: What are, in your opinion, the 3 main reasons inventions are created?
5.  Video: 10 Canadian Inventions
     While watching the video, take notes on key inventions, inventors and dates.
     In your opinion, which one is most significant to your personal history?  To Canadian history?  To global history?  Why?
6.  The Economics of Invention
7.  YoutubeFunnyIntro       Cornell Note: Introduction
8.  1920's-30's: Video from 0:00 - 17:27
     Cornell Note
9.  Introduction to Chris Hadfield
     Article: Chris Hadfield and the Space Race
     Cornell Note
10.  What similarities are being discussed in both the video and article in terms of economics?  How has the space race AND the depression of the 1920's and 30's both led to new inventions?

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Day 3 (Feb 5) Personal Histories

1. History Minute of the Day: CN Tower Construction Begins, Feb 5, 1973.
    What has the CN Tower done for Canadian History.

2.  Presentation from yesterday:  finish the group discussions and presentations.

3.  Personal history: 
     a) Think:  What is it?  With a partner write a definition for the term ''Personal History''.  Share your definition with another group.
     b)  Pair:  CHART  With your partner complete the chart using an imaginary object from your family's history..  
     c)  Share: Show your object to another group.  Explain the importance of the object.  Add to your idea any further importance that your group thinks of. 

4.     Share with the class.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Day 2 (Feb 4) Being Canadian and Significance

1.  HM: Distracted Driving
     Question:  How has this technology (driving and/or the mobile phone) changed the course of history?
2.  Presentation:  Importance