Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 85: Summative Day 3

This is the last day to work on your summative.  We will be in the library lab.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Day 83: Summative Day 1

By the end of class today, please ensure that you have completed the three parts of the summative as outlined.


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Day 76: Question of the Week review

Question of the Week:
Outline three events/people/technologies from the ______________ (insert decade here).  
Of the three you have outlined (given most important facts) which one was the most significant to the development of Canada as a nation? 

                      Winnipeg NHL Announcement 

1.  Question of the week; dot jots, paragraph good copy
2.  1970's: what do you know about it?  A,B,C chart
3.  Jaws and Star Wars from yesterday.  What were people looking for in cinema?
3c.  70s music montage  classic rock  Disco 
3d.  Big Macs
4.  Cornell Notes: expert groups and then teaching groups. 

Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 75: Emerging Canada

HM of the D: Cascadia's Fault

1.  Finish Canada in the 50's and chart.
2.  Start Canada in the 60's. chart  See Day 73 for culture

Prep for the 1970's
Star Wars
October Crisis 1970 National Film Board  Part 1

Friday, May 27, 2011

Day 74: It's Friday

1.  HM of the D: Friday    What does this video say/show about youth now?  How is that different from Leave it to Beaver we saw yesterday?
2.  Canada in the 50s
3.  Chart: Here

For your BINDER:  Notes on Japanese Internment Camps as said by you, based off the textbook and video watched in class

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 73: 1950's - 1960's

HM of the Day: Sign Off
Japanese Internment Camps: Notes
Canada in the 1960s prezi
Music of the 1960s
TV Shows Gilligan's Island   Long Term effect of GI
Addam's Family theme

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 72:

HM of the D: Oprah

1.  Schindler bio from yesterday.
2.  Saving Private Ryan: intro
3.  Internment of Japanese Canadians Cornell Notre Page
4.  Introduction to the 1950's: Leave it to Beaver
4.  Mr. Brown's Prezi

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 71: Schindler's List

1.  Movie
2.  Your personal list.
3.  Schindler Biography: Part 1     Part 2     Part 3     Part 4     Part 5

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 58: The Battles

1.  HM of the D: Change of Story details
2.  The Battles:  In your assigned groups, do the following:
  1. read your battle section in the text
  2. write down three key words and their definitions 
  3. answer the 5 Ws
  4. go to the computer lab in 309
  5. go to
  6. sign into google with your gmail account (IF you don't have a gmail account, one of the members of your group must make an account)
  7. go to DOCUMENTS
  8. create a NEW PRESENTAION
  9. CALL ME OVER ... I will show you how to change the privacy settings on your document
  10. on your presentation (just like powerpoint) you will have:
  • one intro slide
  • one slide with your definitions
  • one slide with your 5 Ws
  • one slide that has 2-3 sentences about the IMPORTANCE of the battle

When the presentation is done (or while one person in the group is working on it) you will find 2 videos that accurately portray your battle.  Each video should be no more than 5 minutes in length.
  1. email your youtube links to me:
  2. email me your presentation link

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 57: Election Fever and WWII article

1.  HM of the D: Canada Vote 2011
2.  Review your answers from yesterday's brainstorming Question of the Week.
3.  Review reading from yesterday.
4.  Planning of newspaper article that would appear in a newspaper on Sept. 11, 1939.  You will need to have the 5 w's and a prediction for how the war will end.
5.  Using your plan, write a good copy of your article.  All 5 w's must be addressed, with a minimum of 7 sentences and a headline.
6.  Election Results: Discussion

Day 56: Attendance, Assembly, Activity

I'm sorry I am not in class today.  Here is the work for the day.

1.  Attendance (I needed another "A"!)
2.  Brainstorm the question of the week:
How was Canada pivotal in the battles of WW2?

3.  Read pages 124-125 "The Road to War".

Friday, April 29, 2011

Day 55: Kristallnacht & beyond

1. HM of the D: Royal Wedding

2. Finish At the Doorsteps of War 

3. Canadian WWII Helmets

4. Question of the Week: Was Hitler a Good Leader?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Day 53: At the Doorsteps of War

1. HM of the D: 34% Game 7

2. The 1936 Olympics

3. At the Doorsteps of War

4. Words to Know Worksheet

5. Victoria Cross Winners, Tales of Valour

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 52: King & Adolf

1. HM of the D: Chornobyl Typewriter Project Pair

2. Question of the Week Review.

3. William Lyon Mackenzie King, Prezi

4. Mackenzie King visits Nazi Germany, Article & note

5. Jesse Owens & the 1936 Olympics

6. Hana's Suitcase Reading?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Day 51: Review

1. Question of the Week: How should Canada respond to Germany?
    -Good copy response

2. Hana's Suitcase Reading

3. Crossword / Mein Kempf

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Day 50: William Lyon Mackenzie King and the Aryan Myth

1. HM of the D: 1988 Summer Olympics

1.5. Table of Contents Update

2. The Magic 8-Ball

3. William Lyon Mackenzie King, Prezi

4. Mackenzie King visits Nazi Germany, Article & Cornell note

5. Jesse Owens & the 1936 Olympics

6. Hana's Suitcase Reading

Question of the Week: How should Canada respond to Germany?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Day 49: Change of Focus: Germany

1. HM of the D: Inflation          Video

2. All Quiet on the Western Front (Video)

3.What do you know about Nazi Germany? 

4. The state of Germany in the 1930s (prezi and note) (Rise of the Nazis)

5. New Question of the Week: How should Canada respond to Germany?

6. Hana's Suitcase Reading

7. Crossword Review

Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 48: Review

1. HM of the D: Jellybean          Succession

2. Review Question of the week: 
How is the economic situation different between the 1920's and 1930's, in Canada?

Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 47: "I would not give a five-cent piece..."

1. Kobe       911           RIM

2. Hard Times, film & work sheet

3.Question of the Week, individual response (4-6 sentences)

5. CBC, Vote Compass

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 46: The Dirty Thirties

1. HM of the D: Armchair    Coyote      Police

2. Causes of the Crash (finish note)

3. Cornell Note (Chapter 5)

4. Question of the week: 
How is the economic situation different between the 1920's and 1930's, in Canada?

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 45: Black Tuesday

1. HM of the D: Rick Mercer: Why we had the last election      
  rant April 2011   
what we need to do
Question of the week: 
How is the economic situation different between the 1920's and 1930's, in Canada?

2. Causes of the Crash

3. Cornell note: Chapter 5

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 44: It All Falls Down

1. HM of the D: Debate French

Question of the week: 
How is the economic situation different between the 1920's and 1930's, in Canada?

2. Question: How did you decide how much to bet?
3. Question: How did you feel when you had to pay for living expenses?

4. Black Tuesday Video (to 2:22)

5. 1920's: The Years of Plenty vs. 1930's: The Years of Need

6. Causes of the Crash

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 43: “So you think that money is the root of all evil. Have you ever asked what is the root of all money?”

1. HM of the D: Tim Hortons

Question of the week: 
How is the economic situation different between the 1920's and 1930's, in Canada?

2.  What have you or your family purchased for today? Group brainstorming on chart paper.
3.  Categories of purchases: taking brainstorming and linking them.
4.  What is the most important? Least important? Group discussion.

5. 1920's: The Years of Plenty: A Card Game
6.  Question: How did you decide how much to bet?
7.  Question: How did you feel when you had to pay for living expenses?

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 23: Theme completion

1.  HM of the D: Building the Bandwagon
2.  Theme: Goal is to finish # 3 and start #4.
3.  Movie

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 20: Theme Day 2, Literacy Prep

1. HM of the D: Elder Abuse Toronto
2.  Read theme booklet.
3.  Complete project.
4.  Literacy Prep.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 19: Oscars and Themes

History Minute  King's Speech   Social Network

1.  Themes:  Explain projects.
2.  Work on first of four themes of WWI.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 18: Presentations and Film

1.  History minute of the day: 132 launches in 132 seconds
2.  Cornell note presentations.
3.  Walkabout ... choose one cornell note to copy.
4.  All Quiet on the Western Front Part 1 Part 2

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 17: Battles and Bombs

1.  History Minute of the Day: Ottawa Bombs
2.  Finish Battles (20 minutes).
3.  Small group Cornell Notes
4.  Literacy Test Prep

Tomorrow: Cornell Note presentations

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 16: Battles of WWI

1.  History Minute of the Day  1   2  New Zealand Earthquake
2.  Battles of WW1: Scrapbook and Text from yesterday
3.  Cornell Note: Recap of battles

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 11: Letters from the Trenches

1.  History Minute of the Day: Who, Watson?    Practicing    Real Game
2.  Letters from the trenches:
     a) Greeting, expressing WHO is getting the letter
     b) State your location (country).  State whether you were in battle yesterday, had the day off, or was in the hospital after being wounded.
     c) Describe what you saw yesterday (use the "See" vocabulary on the back wall.  3 sentences).
     d)  Describe what you heard yesterday (use the "Hear" vocabulary on the back wall.  2 sentences).
     e) Describe what you smelled yesterday (use the "Smell" vocabulary on the back wall.  2 sentences).
     f) Ask for something from home.  Explain why you want it.
     g) End the letter with a wish/hope for either you OR the person/family who are receiving your letter.

3.  Get the rough draft edited by either me OR a peer.
4.  Begin to write your good copy on the card provided.
5.  If time remains, work on your map and/or poster.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 10: Posters due, Trench life

1.  History minute of the day The Egg 
2.  Chicago Massacre
3.  Hand in posters
4.  Review of WWI
5.  Text Reading: pg. 12 & 13
6.  Map of Trench for notes
7.  Brainstorming: Chart Paper: Words War (Small groups)
8.  Assignment

Day 9: Working on Posters

Work on your posters.  They are due Monday.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 7: Entering WWI and Posters

History minute of the day: Ralph
1. Map: Hand in any that are missing.
2.  Canada Enters the War: Text reading and note
3.  Posters: Examples
4.  WWI Poster vocabulary
5.  Start the planning of your poster.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 6: Map assignment

History minute of the day
1.  Map assignment: decide as a class when it is due
2.  Canada enters the War: Handout  Read pages 10-11 of text

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 5: Setting the Stage (part 3)

Daily History: Background on Iran (discussion of bias)  Free the hikers     Part 1   Part 2
1.  Finish the technology note from Friday.
2.  Sparks and Flames note.
3.  Hand out map assignment.  Decide on due date as a class.
4.  Work on map assignment.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 4: Setting the Stage (Part 2)

1. In the news: VW  Snickers
2.  Finish WWI Timeline from yesterday
3. Overview of WWI: Technologies, Battles, Stats
4. The Sparks and the Flames
5.  Map Assignment

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 1: Welcome!

1.  Introduction
2.  Course Outline
3.  Home Contact Sheet
4.  The 3 R's
5.  Table of contents
6.  Madelle's Introduction: The 5 W's  Brown's Prezi
7.  The ABC's of History