Monday, April 20, 2015

Day 46 & 47 - Women's Rights in Canada

History Minute - April 21, 1963 - Beatles and Stones meet for the first time.

Please go to this webpage on the History of Women's Rights in Canada and work in your groups as assigned.

Prepare a 3 minute presentation to outline the Human Rights Issue that made headline news in the years indicated.

1900  Quinn 1951  Tristen
1903 1952
1907 1953
1914  Richard 1956  Max
1916  Michael 1962  Cam &  Nick
1917 Zach
1918 1964  Brennan
1920  Mack
1922 1982  Josh
1928  Emma & Emily 1987  Noah
1929  1989
1940  Brandon 1999  Ryan

Slide 1.  Focus on the main legal / rights issue.  Name the issue.

Slide 2.  Explain the issue using the 5Ws and How?

Slide 3. How was the issue resolved?  Who won, who lost?

Slide 4. What does it mean for human rights in Canada, in particular Women's Rights?

Everyone will be required to note some of the important issues raised in everyone else's presentations.

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