1. HM:
Clinton wins: 1992
How does an election of a new US president change politics, economics and the security of Canada?
2. In small groups, spend 15 minutes discussing these questions. Be prepared to share as a class afterwards.
- Which character in Schindler's List made your heart ache? Why?
- What event in the movie surprised you? Explain why.
- What could Schindler have done to save more people?
- How does the death of Goeth make up for some of his actions? Or does it all?
- Why do we need to learn, teach and talk about the holocaust still today?
3. Class discussion of questions above.
4. Video: this is our speaker today
Elly Gotz
5. On the provided cue cards, write 2 questions that you have for our holocaust survivor today. Get a friend to check them over to ensure they are relevant.
6. Share the questions you have written with the class. As a class choose 5 you would like him to answer today.